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Raising your Concerns/ Complaints

The below steps explains how we will deal with any concerns or complaints you may wish to raise.
In the first instance if you are unhappy with any aspect of your care however small please speak to any member of staff and we will endeavour to put thing right straightaway.
If this cannot be done or you remain dissatisfied, either the Imaging Head / Team Lead will be happy to speak or to meet with you to resolve your concerns. Any member of staff can make contact with you or , in the absence, an alternative member of the Senior management team.
There may be occasions when you wish to express your concerns/ complaints in writing. Please click here

Written complaints should be directed to
Imaging Head/ Team Lead
Tesla Radiology Solutions, 57,Olympia Avenue, NE62 5DU.

Your letter will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days of receipt and an investigation will be initiated in to your complaint.
All the complaints are taken seriously and are handled openly and honestly in a bid to be fair to all concerns and to conclude matters to the satisfaction of all parties as soon as possible.
You will receive our response within 20 working days.
If our investigations take longer, we will keep you informed. We always try to learn from a complaint and , if appropriate , will adjust our working practices to avoid similar complaints arising. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may take this up with corresponding NHS PALS, who will either try further to explain our response or, in some circumstances, will arrange an appointment to you to meet with those involved in your care in an attempt to reach a satisfactory conclusion.

If you a patient receiving the care as an Private patient

It is always our intention to resolve complaints but, if you remained dissatisfied, then you may request an independent external review . The procedure is for you to write to the ISCAS secretariat to in below address
The Secretariat of the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service,
70 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1EU
Tel 020 7536 6091 Email:

You will need to clarify in writing which aspects of your complaint you wish to refer for adjudication and give your consent to ISCAS process and the release of any relevant case records.
This must be done within 6 months of receipt of the letter from the Head of Imaging. Requests for independent external adjudication may be followed by ISCAS outside of this timeframe but only in exceptional circumstances.
Receipt of your request will be acknowledged within five working days by ISCAS. Please refer ISCAS website for further information.

If you a patient receiving the care as an NHS patient

If the NHS has funded your care at Tesla Radiology Solutions Ltd, MRI unit, it is responsible the quality of this service provided to you. So if you are not happy about the care and treatment you have received you may make a complaint to either ourselves as outlined above or to your local clinical commissioning group. We will work together to resolve your complaint. The hospital/ Clinic will provide relevant address on request.

Once you have exhausted the hospital/ Tesla Radiology Solutions local process and you continue to remain dissatisfied with how your concern / Complaint has been handled, you are entitled to raise your concerns with health service ombudsman who can be contacted in the following ways.

* Visiting –
* Telephoning the complaints helpline on 03450 154 033 (Monday to Friday 08-30 am to 05-30pm)
* Emailing –
* Faxing – 03000 614 000
* Writing to:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP

You can view the NHS Complaints procedure at

Tesla Radiology Solutions Ltd is also regulated by the care quality commission which monitors the Units’ compliance with Health and Social Care Act 2008. The Commission can be contacted vis their website or at:

The Care Quality Commission
Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA

We hope that you find this leaflet helpful. Should you have any questions or comments in relation to how your concern/Complaint dealt with, then please do not hesitate to contact the Imaging Heal/ Clinical Lead of the facility in which you received your service.

NB – Although you can advise the CQC about your concerns/ Complaints, please note that CQC do not investigate individual complaints.